Laboratory of Tropical and Subtropical Plants

ear of Establishment

The first in the Republic exposition green house in the structure of MBG of RK AS was set in operation in 1969 for the purposes of performance of introduction of tropical and subtropical plants in the closed soil condition.

The unique nature of the green house consists in that in the area of 1025 sq m, there grow the plants from various areas of the Globe: various citrus plants (lemons, oranges, tangerine) and other tropical, subtropical, as well as desert, water plants.

Annually the greenhouse is visited by foreign guests, and daily – by students, school kids, specialists in biology, amateur gardeners.


The preservation of vanishing relic species of plants of tropic and subtropic regions, the development of biological foundations of culture of tropic and subtropic plants in the closed soil of Kazakhstan, the search for efficient methods of accelerated reproduction of slowly enrooting and promising types of plants of the closed soil, attraction to the collection of new species, types and forms of plants from the leading botanical centres of the world, ensuring the viability of the collection fund of tropical and subtropical plants in the condition of the closed soils of Kazakhstan, the selection of commercially valuable plants for phytodesign in the south east of Kazakhstan.

The collection of green house comprises 792 taxons, referred to 88 families, 250 genuses, 454 species, represented in 5 divisions: palm division, tropical plants, succulents, subtropical plants, water and moisture loving plants

The greenhouse of botanical garden implements the collection, educational, scientific and industrial functions, based on the established botanical collections.

Number of Employees

Total Composition: 12 employees

Current Composition of the Staff of the Lab:

Senior researcher, .Candidate of Biological Sciences, Murzova Tatyana Vassiliyevna

Senior researcher,Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Maltsev Sergei Nikolayevich

Junior Researcher, Raushanova Aikerim Shukirbayevna

Senior Lab Worker Akhmetova Gulsima Barkhadirovna

Engineer Orazalina Gulmira Yessengeldiyevna

EngineerZhumakhan Toktagali Turgaliuly

Теchnician Zelenova Tatyana Vassiliyevna

ТеchnicianBimbetova Zakira Nagyzovna

ТеchnicianYubuzova Sarah Ibragimovna

ТеchnicianPirnazarova Akmaral Serikbayevna

WorkerDanabek Nurbay

Results of Research for 2013 – 2017.

In 2013 the staff of the lab participated in the implementation of the academic and technical programmes and the grant project: “Main Patterns of Functioning of flower and decorative plants of the open and the closed soil for commercialization in the south east of Kazakhstan, which main objective is the study of patterns of development of the flower and decorative plants of the open and the closed soil in conditions of the South East of Kazakhstan. The objectives of the research are: development of the scale for the assessment of the success of introduction; study of effect of light on the growth and the development of plants; performance of phenological monitoring; vegetative and seed based reproduction; study of morphology and the generative plant organs, as well as the commercialization in the south of East of Kazakhstan, by extending the assortment of the flower and decorative plants of the closed and the open soil with new taxons for the creation of phytomodules in the planting of greenery of the internal premises and the landscape design.

The introduction of testing of plants of closed soil from 5 families. The most promising introduction is the introduction of species from families: Amaryllidaceae Jaume St. Hil. From Kap province (5 species), Moraceae Link – Japan and China (8 species) and Indonesia (8 species) of provinces, Arecaceae Sch. – Bip. (Palmae Juss.) –Indonesia (4 species) and Guiana (3 species) provinces, Araceae Juss. – Central Brazil (6 species), Cactaceae Juss. – Mexican (6 species) of provinces.

For the first time there was established 5 point scale of assessment of ficuses, cacti, amaryllis and 7 point scale of assessment of introduction of palm to the closed soil of Kazakhstan. On the basis of perennial works for the introduction of tropical and subtropical plants in the closed soil there were laid 4 phytomodules, ensuring broad prospects of use of introduction fund, the lists of plants of closed soil, promising for phytodesign in the south east of Kazakhstan.

The study of light on the species of various families, the change in their morphological parameters is demonstrated. Adaptation of palms to low positive temperatures depends on the species properties of palms and it manifests in the reduction of growth of the leaf and the forming of new leaves.

There have been identified 10 blooming hybrid cultivars.

The collection of closed soil was supplemented with 14 new species and cultivars. There were reproduced 17 commercially valuable species and cutivars of closed soil plants and 12 commercially viable species and cultivars of open soil plants for commercialization in the south east of Kazakhstan.

Based on the work results 22 articles were published, 3 methodological recommendations were also published: “Methodological recommendation for the technology for cultivation and range of varieties of hybrid phresia in the closed soil”. “Methodological Recommendations for Reproduction and Growth of Ficus L. in the closed soil in the south east of Kazakhstan”. For familiarization with the exposition nursery there was published “Guide of the Exposition Nursery of the Main Botanical Garden”.

Based on results of implementation of academic and technical programme: “Sustained Management of Genetic Resources of State Botanical Gardens of South Eastern and Central Kazakhstan – specially protected natural territories of republican importance – in condition of transition to “green economy” in 2016 there were published 3 Articles in materials of international academic conferences (cities of Saint Petersburg, Russia, city of Antalya, Turkey).

At present within the framework of the academic and technical programme, the staff of laboratories implements the following objectives:

- improvement of genetic pool of phytoncids, fruit, decorative plants of closed soil

- study of growth and development of species and cultivars of commercially viable plants of closed soil,

- characteristics of bloom of rarely blossoming plants,

- study of ecological and biological properties of decorative plants with high phytoncid activities,

- identification of useful and viable plants of closed soil for phytodesign and commercialization.

Prospects of Development

The lab researchers perform works for the collection and forming of live collection of plants from the families of: Bromeliaceae Juss., Moraceae Link., Cactaceae Juss., Araceae Juss., Malvaceae Juss., Arecaceae Sch. – Bip. (Palmae Juss.), Rutaceae Lindl., the research continues which relates to vegetative reproduction of plants, the introduction into cultivation of closed soil, of new species.

In the closed soil there are cultivated plants from 88 families. In connection with the fact that the species and genus diversity of world subtropical flora in our plant collection is not sufficiently represented, for the upcoming period, the most important task would be to increase the collection of tropical and subtropical plants, as well as the launching and commercialization in the south east of Kazakhstan, by extending the assortment of the flower and decorative plants of closed soil with new taxons for the justification of the establishment of phytomodules and the planting of greenery indoors and reproduction.