
Sitpaeva Gulnara Tokbergenovna
Director General of the "Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction" Republican State Enterprise of the Committee for Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences.
The main directions of scientific researches are flora and plant resources of the steppe regions of Kazakhstan. 2 monographs and over 100 articles and theses have been published.
She is the Research Supervisor for the projects on DFI, STP and experience exchange programs with international organizations: Washington State University, Botanical Society of France.

Sametova Elmira Sailaukhanovna
Academic Secretary - Candidate of Biological Sciences.
The main direction of researches is algology.
Zhakupova Saltanat Amangeldievna
Chief Accountant, Tel: 394-76-47

Grebnev Nikolay Vyacheslavovish
Engineering Director
Tel: 8(727) 394-76-50
Тойжанов Ерик Аманжолулы
Начальник Управления правового обеспечения кадровой работы и государственных закупок